File: monograph_chapter_template2019.docx

Reference style: Cite Them Right 10th edition – Harvard.

Editors suggest using Mendeley reference management. Authors are encouraged to download Mendeley’s Citation Plugin which is fully compatible with Word and generates both citations and bibliographies.

Example 1

In a text:

(Katzer and Kobaka, 2009)

In bibliography:

Katzer, J. and Kobaka, J. (2009) ‘Influence of fine aggregate grading on properties of cement composite’, Silicates Industriels, 74(1–2).


Example 2

In a text:

(Ponikiewski and Katzer, 2016)

In bibliography:

Ponikiewski, T. and Katzer, J. (2016) ‘X-ray computed tomography of fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete as a tool of assessing its flexural behaviour’, Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 49(6). doi: 10.1617/s11527-015-0638-y.


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American Journal Experts
Cambridge Language Consultants
Charlesworth Group
Clark Scientific Editing
OnLine English
San Francisco Edit
SPI Global Professional Editing Services
Stallard Scientific Editing
World Scientific Editing